Sovereign Flood Risk Pre-Feasibility Study for Ghana – A Summary

Climate change is manifested in Ghana through extreme weather events, especially flooding. The Greater Accra Metropolitan Area (GAMA) is particularly exposed to these recurrent shocks threatening economic development and human lives. Many public assets and infrastructure are key to flood control and risk mitigation in urban areas, but at the same time can be severely affected by extreme weather events and climate risks themselves. However, in Ghana, most public assets and infrastructure are not insured. This might be due to a relatively low understanding of insurance and the unavailability of funding for premium payments.

The Public-Private Partnership “Developing Risk Management Approaches for Climate Risks” implemented by the Strategic Alliance between GIZ and Allianz Reinsurance on behalf of the German Ministry for International Cooperation and Development, therefore, prepares the ground for implementing risk transfer solutions within an integrated flood risk management approach for public assets of selected assemblies in GAMA